Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hello Out There

(Sorry- not a good photo)
Well, hello, blogworld!  I haven’t seen you in quite a while!  I have to admit, I have enjoyed getting away for a while.  No, I didn’t really go anywhere.  I haven’t really done much of anything.  I did move.  A block away.  It was a big ordeal though.  I’m glad to be settled in and ready to get back to old routines.  Like my blog.  

I started this blog last fall with no idea what to expect.  I quickly learned all about taking (& editing) better photos, leaving comments, linking back, blog parties, giveaways- you know, all of this stuff that takes up a TON of time.  I wanted to do well so I threw myself into my blog and my craft projects.  I felt like I had to have several awesome crafts each week that were linked up to all of the major craft/decor blogs on the internet.  Not only that but I was hosting my own party and blog-hopping all over the place to see what everyone else was up to.  I was doing pretty well too.  I was getting featured regularly and gaining lots of followers.  This all went along just fine for about 6 months until I just burnt out
Everything was going great but the kids were about to get out of school and you know how hectic things get at the end of the year.  I just felt so overwhelmed and just had to stop.  I hate that I just kind of quit but I couldn’t keep going.  My life was too busy and I was having a hard time not putting 110% into my blog to be all of the things to all of the people I have to be in “real life”.

Well, lesson learned.  If I wasn’t a mom who participates in her family’s life, I could be a blogaholic and put in bookoodles of time/money/energy and be great at it.   However, I have a lot of hats to wear and a lot to get done on a day to day basis.  But, I ♥ blogging.  I can’t help it! It fulfills and completes me.  I love being able to share with you whenever I have a crafty or creative idea or see something that I like that I think you will like too.  I don’t want to give that up!  I have to just cut back.  I can blog on a regular basis without losing myself in it.  I have to find my balance and I am ready to try.   If any of you have any tips, I would love to hear.

I look forward to getting back into my blogging groove and hope you’ll stay close by.  I can’t wait to show you my new craft room and my other new spaces.  In the meantime,  if you’d like, check out my boards over at Pinterest.  I have quickly become seriously addicted.  Have you?   

It’s been so good to be able to talk to you again.  I have missed you so much! 

Stay Krafty,
Pin It!


  1. Welcome Back Kathie!
    I took a week break, but when school starts back up I will be trying to put my all into passing. Our daughter will be having a tibial osteotomy next month, soooo my time, and energy will be given to her recuperation. I have missed you around these parts. I used to HAVE to link up a project, and noticed that I was more worried about a linky-party and trying to be first in line, rather than enjoying time will my little ones. Before I knew it... BAM! it was time to get ready for a Birthday Party this weekend. This weekend?! Needless to say. I don't have the Best or most useful advice for time management. However... I know where you are coming from. I'm linking projects only when I have time. I've had to "clean house" on the blogs I follow. (almost 600!) and I'm down to about 500 now. Still a lot, I know but nowhere near as many links to check out. Anyways, glad to have you back!

  2. I love seeing you pop up in my reader! Welcome back :)

  3. Welcome back Kathie! I know what you mean - blogs are work as well as fun. My kids are in their early 20's now but still keep me somewhat busy. I think you will find that there are a lot of bloggers like you out there - trying to find a balance and juggling so much. In my mind, the kids come first!
    You always have such great creations and ideas and, as a follower, I will always look forward to your next post no matter when that is. :)

  4. Hi Kat
    I only blog and visit when I can, my life like yours and many others is busy. My family is my first priority and I do find if you don;t put tons of time into your blog, people just don't know you exist, so most times im blogging to the air haha and there has been many times I would spend hours visiting other blogs and commenting to rarely hear a word back. So now if I blog its for my own self satisfaction with no expectations. Welcome back and girl don't put pressure on yourself..enjoy

  5. I just want to personally thank you for stopping by Design Dazzle Summer Camp today and commenting on my game board idea... I hope to see you at The 36th Avenue!

    Thanks again!

  6. I've been wondering where you went, and if you'd be back! I completely understand. Blogging can become all-consuming, and the more followers you gain, the more you want to keep the momentum going. I also slowed things down and stopped joining linky parties for a couple of months. Now I just blog when it's organic...if I craft or re-decorate, I blog. I try not to craft or re-decorate simply in order to blog, lol. Stop by and visit me at my new blog space apopofpretty.com when you have some time! Kerri(previously My Decorating Addiction)

  7. So glad to see you're back!! You've been missed. I'm with you...I slowed down a bit, too, when we moved from FL to TX. It's taken me awhile to get my groove back, but I'm slowly but surely getting there. Glad you got the break you needed.
    Love your blue bottles, by the way!

