Monday, March 28, 2011

Gettin’ Krafty With It

Welcome to another edition of Gettin’ Krafty With It!  I am so glad you are here and I hope you will be sharing your creativity with all of us so we can all be inspired!  Speaking of inspiring, let me share with you a few projects from last week’s party…

DSC_0299 fixed

If you were featured, go ahead and grab that button!

Just a reminder: Time’s running out to get in on my giveaway for 3 months of ad space!  You don’t want to miss your chance!

Also, I'm currently at #55 on Babble's List of Top 5o Craft Mom Blogs of 2011.  It would be AWESOME to actually make it into the Top 50 and I only need a few votes to get there.  Please take a second to click over and vote!

Now, lets get D
and Get Krafty !
Remember, there are no rules, anything goes (as long as it’s Krafty)!   ;)

Pin It!

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