Sunday, October 7, 2012

Spooky Eyes

How To Make Spooky Eyes

“I always feel like somebody’s watching me!” 

DIY Spooky Eyeballs

Especially since my bushes are full of these spooky eyes! 

Spooky Eyes {Krafty Kat}

Dollar Tree had these cool foam balls (big and small) and as soon as I saw them, I knew what they would become! 

Just simply drawing black circles with a marker and connecting them with a toothpick was all it took to create these petrifying peepers!

Spooky Eyes At Night

Now, when unsuspecting trick or treaters make their way to my front door, they will have that same creepy feeling that they’re being watched! 

Spooky Eyes In The Bushes

Jeepers, Creepers….Where’d You Get Those Peepers?

DIY Spooky Eyes

We just sat them in the bushes and let the leaves secure them in place.

Spooky Eyes In The Dark

How To Make Spooky Eyes

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1 comment:

  1. You are a featured favorite on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes this week! Thanks again for sharing, we can't wait to see what you've got for all of us this week! :)
    Mackenzie :)
