Saturday, April 9, 2011

Egg Carton Flower Garland (and Easter Mantel)


After my egg carton flower wreath was so well received, I thought it would be only fitting to have a garland of the egg carton flowers to drape across my Easter mantel.  I enlisted the aid of my girls to help get them all painted. 


They had so much fun with it.  Afterwards, we made chocolate covered pretzel sticks and they painted some pictures.  All in all, a great Saturday afternoon.




IMG_2150    (Love that pink mustache, lol!)


We made them in the same way as the wreath except for the inside of the flowers, we used some of my daughter’s pre-cut felt flowers.  They worked great.  Also, for the garland, we glued the flowers onto a long length of ribbon and also added some leaves, made from egg cartons as well.  I love the bright, cheery colors – so springy! 



I strung it up on my mantel and it just pulled it all together.


At first, I had some of my wooden bunnies and eggs on the mantel, but it seemed a bit too busy with all of the colors and dots and flowers.


Here it is without them…I think it is better (hmmm...maybe less really is more).


I have my little basket of faux chocolate bunnies on one end, with a spray painted white dollar store bird on a spray painted white candlestick on the other end.


Next are hurricanes made from gluing a dollar store vase to a glass candlestick.  I filled these with pink Easter grass and colorful plastic eggs leftover from Easters past. There are a couple of egg cups filled with blue paper mache eggs.

A couple of thrift store bunnies are at home in the center with a pink metal container with a yellow tissue paper flower. 


My hanging tinsel eggs came from the dollar tree and in between them is my egg carton flower wreath in an old frame (again, spray painted white). 


I love it and the best part of all, is I was able to use things I already had (except the $2 I spent on the dollar tree eggs on the wall).  I wanted it to look cute and bright and colorful and I think that’s what I got! 

 I have some more spring/Easter vignettes I want to share with you soon but I don’t have them quite ready yet…but they’re coming! 

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

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  1. hiya, what a great idea! your easter goodies are just fun and gorgeous!
    now i know what my 6 yr old will want to do this easter holiday!! :)

  2. What a nice Easter mantel! I bet the kids had a lot of fun!

  3. You've done it again! Beautiful.

  4. Very cute! I loved your wreath and now your garland.. =)

  5. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [10 Apr 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  6. This is wonderful. The wreath is darling! I have 2 little daughters who will LOVE doing this craft with me - and it turns out looking less like a kiddi craft, which I appreciate:)
    Thank you!

  7. LOVE this!!!!! So pretty : )


  8. LOVE IT!! I'm sharing this with my readers on Monday..make sure you stop by and take a look!

    XOXO Andrea

  9. Cute banner and I absolutely love the egg carton wreath! Such a fun blog:) Have a great weekend.

  10. LOVE the garland!! what a great idea! never know that an egg carton could be put to SO much use. thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh GORGEOUS Girl I don't know which I ENJOYED more....The PERFECT PASTEL Mantel or those ADORABLE girls of yours.... :o) !!!!!

    What a WONDERFUL memory this will make for them when they look back at their childhood....Sitting around the table with their Mum & Sisters having a GRAND time craftin' like there's not a care in the world....!!!

    THANK YOU for popping by....DON'T be jealous Lovey....It WAS hard work....hahahahahaha....SERIOUSLY....**wink**....Least that's what I told Mr SVJ....!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a BRILLIANT week....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  12. What a beautiful, colorful, joyful mantle!

  13. good gravy - i could stand and look at all of the happy for hours!!! WAY cute!!! And - the pretzel sticks look delicious!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  14. LOVE it ! That is just adorable... I'm going to attempt the wreath myself !

    thanks for sharing,

  15. Those turned out much prettier than I envisioned...and would also be nice for the summer...a Hawaiian luau.

  16. Adorable! Love the garland. I liked the mantel with the bunnies and eggs too.
