Friday, April 1, 2011

Rabbit Ears


I remember when I was a kid and our television signal came from an antenna.  We didn’t have any cable or satellite.  If you didn’t have a big antenna, you had a set of rabbit ears on top of your tv that you would have to adjust until the picture would come in just enough to see.  Until it went out of focus five minutes later.  Yes, I am old. 

Anyway, these rabbit ears made me think of those rabbit ears.  I am so grateful for technology.  These are pretty simple to make.  You start with a cheap headband (this one came in a pack of 4 for a dollar) and some pipe cleaners.  You twist the pipe cleaners onto the headband to form the bunny ears.  I had to use two pipe cleaners per ear.


Then, you cover the headband and pipe cleaners.  I used ribbon that I wrapped around and hot glued on.  That’s it!  These would be so fun for the kids and very cheap and easy to make (my favorite)! 


I was going to have my little girl model but she fell asleep so the job fell to my 12 year old son. 


At first, he wasn’t so sure…


I think he got the hang of it!

Yeah, he totally rocked the rabbit ears!
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  1. Lol, just tell him he's lucky he doesn't have to wear the tail!


  2. What a great idea and looks so easy!

    I too think your son rocked the rabbit ears...what a good sport he was!! Too funny :)

  3. I remember rabbit ears. lol.

    Your son is a good sport. Boys love being goofy.

  4. What a fun idea! My girls would love this!

    Thanks for sharing this at last week's For the Kids Friday Link Party! This week's party is in full swing. I'd love to have you stop by and join in on the fun!

