Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gettin' Krafty With It

Sorry I'm late to my own party!  Today was the first day of school here so it has been c-c-c-razy around here lately!  I'll share more on that with you later but first, I want to share these features from last week:

Stubbornly Crafty has me ready for Halloween with this adorable witch hat banner! 

The Thrifty Rebel made her garden more beautiful with these   flowers made from plates.


The Thriftiness Miss made some artwork and a nightlight all in one for her son's room!  


Serendipity Refined "de-finished" a plain dresser and made it fabulous.

 Destination: Craft revamped a pyrex dish carrier and the dish to make an awesome wedding gift for a family friend.  

If you were featured, grab this button!  Don't forget, I'll be givin' you shout outs all over the internet:  Google+, Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest cause I'm cool like that!

Featured At Krafty Kat

I hope you all are ready to party cause I am!  After my stressful morning, I need it!  Please follow Krafty Kat and be sure to link back to the party so more people can find it!  The more, the merrier, right?  
Gettin' Krafty With It
Pin It!


  1. Hi Kathie: No worries. Thanks so much for featuring my plate flowers! Obviously I couldn't wait because I'm the first one this week! Thanks for hosting and have a great week!

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 5 post on Aug. 14, 2012. Thanks again.

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my canvas night light! I'm thrilled :)

    Grabbed the button and added to the post and my features page. Thanks again!

  4. Than you for hosting! Have fun getting back into the swing of things. Hope to see you at my Make it Pretty Monday party. http://thededicatedhouse.blogspot.com/2012/08/make-it-pretty-monday-week-10.html Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  5. Great features! LOVE the plate flowers! Thanks for hosting Kathie ♥

  6. I'm loving the hat banner. Found you through the 1000+ Followers. Newest follower and would love a follow back!


  7. Thanks for hosting. Have a great week. I'm visiting from OneCreativeMommy.com I'm definitely going to have to visit Stubbornly Crafty and see the details on that project!
