Thursday, June 28, 2012

Guest Post: JoEllen Krauss: Decorating With Things You Already Have

I feel like I am coming down with a summer cold.  I am just stuffy and miserable.  My youngest daughter has it too.  Luckily, my friend JoEllen has stepped in with a few ideas to share with you to change things up in your decor without spending a dime.
JoEllen Krauss is a stay-at-home mom to two rambunctious, yet adorable, little boys.  In her spare time she balances writing freelance for 1800WheelChair and coaching her community’s little league.
Decorating Your Home With Things You Already Have
Whether you are just getting started with a decorating project or you just want to change the look you already have, money can be an issue. Quite often the furnishings you envision are way beyond your decorating budget. That's okay, you can still have the quality style you want without spending a dime.
High-quality doesn't have to mean high-price. Beat the high cost of decorating. Create your own home decor accessories by reusing things you already have in your closets, basement or garage. Outdated furniture and accessories can be repurposed and restyled into your current direction of home decor.

Painted Chalkboard Frame via Modern Furniture

Make Your Own Chalkboard Surfaces
Flip through any design magazine on sale at your local supermarket, and you will find chalkboard surfaces in just about any room design. Memo boards, table tops, the glass on old windows and the front of dresser drawers can be given a professional quality finish even if you are a novice DIYer. All you need for success are supplies left over from previous projects and your kids art supplies.
Chalkboard paint is expensive and comes in limited colors. Mixing your own chalkboard paint and recycling your own less than perfect furnishings will make this project expense free. Dig out those half-filled cans of flat latex or acrylic paints and choose the color desired for your project. Mix a cup of the paint with a couple of tablespoons of plaster of Paris. If the paint is too thick, simply thin with a little bit of water. Apply several thin coats to your project's surface, allowing each coat to dry thoroughly. Before actually using the painted surface as a chalkboard, sand the last dried coat lightly with fine sandpaper, then rub all over with chalk to prime it.

Dining Room Chair Redo Photos Courtesy of Jami Screws

Recovering Dining Chairs
One quick way to change the appearance of a kitchen or dining room is by recovering the seats of your chairs that are covered with fabric. No need to hit the fabric store, and you don't have to know how to sew. You can find potential seat fabric in your own closet, trunks or drawers. With a little investigating you will probably find sheets in a variety of designs and colors, tablecloths that you no longer need, cloth napkins that you have never used, grandma's vintage linens or old prom dresses. All of these items can be given a new life as fabric for your decorating.
Most seats are attached with screws. Simply turn the chair over and remove the screws, then remove the seat. You don't need to remove the existing fabric from the seat. Place the seat over your "new" fabric and cut the fabric large enough to fold over the edge to the bottom. Staple the fabric to the bottom of the seat and reattach the seat to the chair. Instant decorating finished in minutes.

Silk Scarf Pillowcase via Creative Space

Pillow Covers from Fashion Scarves
Change your throw pillows to match the season or new room decor by recovering them with scarves from your clothes closet. Don't worry, you aren't going to ruin your really nice silk scarves. They don't need to be cut or sewn.
For large square scarves, lay the scarf out flat. Place your throw pillow in the center and pull up the edges. Bring the ends and edges to the center front and wrap a rubber band around them. fluff out the ends so that the rubber band is not seen. If the ends are really long, tuck them under the edge of the rubber band.
For scarves that are long and narrow, wrap the scarves around coordinating throw pillows and tie in a bow on the front.
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1 comment:

  1. You can find kitchen countertops that are made from granite, marble and solid wood. Though, granite and marble are the most favored ones because they are durable and are easy to clean and maintain.
