You know how I mentioned I haven’t blogged in over six months? OK, just pretend like you do. Anyway, I thought I would spend a little time today catching up on my social media.
I added a Pinterest and Twitter tab to my Facebook page and thought that was pretty cool. I had been wanting to do that before but wasn’t sure how to go about it. I used Woobox to add my tabs and it was pretty easy. They have all sorts of awesome things you can add like coupons, sweepstakes, polls, rewards, etc. If you have a blog, I recommend adding at least your Pinterest page to your Facebook page. Of course, you probably already have. I’m the one trying to catch up with the rest of the world.
While scrolling through some of my favorite blogs, I noticed that besides the usual Google Friend Connect, email or feed subscriptions, there seems to be more platforms available for following blogs. I added a couple of new ones: Linky Followers (because I was already subscribed to Linky Tools) and Networked Blogs. Do you use one of these? If so, do you like it? I am wondering if it is worth having. I am all for joining in when it will be more convenient and easier for someone to follow my blog. I just don’t want to be redundant. Sharing ideas and information so easily is certainly a good thing. But too much of a good thing is, well, too much.
If you use these services, please go over to my sidebar and follow me. You can see I really have no one following me there right now and I just look sad! I still haven’t figured out how to follow the blogs I want to follow using them. I think I will have to manually add each and every blog I follow (it’s a lot, people) to Linky Followers and I am clueless right now on Networked Blogs. But, I will keep playing with it until I figure it out. If you have any tips, I’m all ears!
I already use Blog Frog, which I like and seems easy so I added a community as well. I am going to do it just like the other things on a sort of trial basis. Do you have a community? Do you get a lot of participation from it? It seems like a really useful tool and a fun way to connect and talk about any topic we want. Do you participate in any communities or forums?
Which leads me to my next question: How do you keep up with your favorite blogs? I have used a variety of methods, subscribing by email, feeds, Google Reader, etc. Right now, I mainly use FeedSquares for Google Chrome. I follow so many and I like scrolling through the little grid of thumbnails. I can easily see when a blog has been updated or if I’ve already read it. I also stay updated with Twitter and Facebook.
I guess it really comes down to personal preference and the amount of social media you are comfortable with. I feel like I’m plugged in and linked up everywhere now but I’m sure there are lots of other places I could/should be. For now, just call me a social butterfly and feel free to follow me via Google Friend Connect, a feed, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blog Frog, Networked Blogs, Linky Followers, and oh, yeah, I’m also on Tumblr, Flickr, and LinkedIn. If you can’t find me, you’re not looking! Just click nearly anywhere on the right side of my blog and you’ll be linked up and flying right along with me!
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