Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunshine Award

I love it when a little sunshine comes my way!  That's what happened when I checked my blog today and found out that Sarah from the Blissful Bucket List had given me the Sunshine Award!  I would like to thank her so much for thinking of me!  You'll love her blog.  She tackles her Pinterest bucket list, one project at a time! 

The Sunshine Award is given from bloggers to bloggers. It’s for someone “who positively and creatively inspires others in the blogosphere."

Okay, so here's how the award works:

First, you should thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.  

Next, answer the following questions about yourself.

Then, choose 10 of your favorite bloggers and link their posts to your post.  Be sure to let them know that you are nominating them for the award.

Last, be sure to copy and paste the award to your blog!

So, here are my answers to the 10 questions:

1. Favorite Color:  I have a few!  Sunshine yellow, red, and aqua!  I am also very fond of pink (all shades).
2. Favorite Animal:  Without a doubt, cats!
3.  Favorite Number: 7 which is the number of people in my family and I think it's kind of lucky.
4.  Favorite Drink:  Rockstar Roasted Light Vanilla.
5.  Facebook or Twitter:  Facebook but I really like Pinterest and Tumblr.
6.  Good Book or Good Movie:  Good movie but nothing   compares to a really good book.
7.  My passion: Saving money.  I feel so accomplished when I use coupons or find a good bargain!
8.  Giving or Getting Gifts:  Giving, but I have a hard time not telling someone what they're getting!
9.  Favorite Day:  I may sound crazy saying this but probably Monday.  I feel the most productive on Mondays.
10.  Favorite Flower:  Stargazer Lilies.

10 Blogs (in no particular order) who 
positively and creatively inspire me: 
7.  Silje Sin
8.  Moon to Moon
9.  Happy Loves Rosie
10. Sweet Eye Candy Creations

I do hope you'll take a moment to visit these blogs.  You'll be so glad you did! 
Pin It!


  1. Hi Kathie...thank you so much...It feels wonderful to be appreciated.
    Big hugs...Tami

  2. Ooooo that is SO KIND!!!!!!! AND I LOVE AQUA! Oh dear, if you have a chance, go see my Etsy shop. OO I see you like crowns too. FUN! Anita

  3. I'm honored and touched! It's so meaningful to be inspiring to someone. Thanks so much Kathie! I had to share about this on Facebook and at my linky party!
    <3 Christina
