Friday, October 22, 2010

Bubble, Bubble, Toil & Trouble

Well, if you can possibly stand another Halloween post-here goes!  I thought I was through decorating my fireplace mantel when I came across this bubbling cauldron from Through My Looking Glass  (found her on Paisley Passions Thrilling Thursday link party) & I just had to try it.  She used 2 cans of insulating foam so hers was really bubbling over but I only had one so I just had to make the most of it.  Also, my cauldron had been outside for a while and was cracked but I just had my foam bubble over at the point where it was broken to hide it. 

After making the cauldron, I decided I needed a witch's broom.  I started to go buy a straw broom but decided I could make one.  So, I just attached some pine straw to the end of a stick with a rubber band and spray painted the straw grey and black.  I really like how it turned out and to me looks a lot more like an "authentic" witch's broom than what I would've bought. 

I put my daughter's witch hat on a candlestick and added a bottle of life renewal potion which was actually one of those bottles of herbs or potpourri or whatever floating around in oil that I glued a label I printed on it. 

 I also added a bottle of witch hazel and divination stones under a cloche (which are actually some black rocks from Dollar Tree). 

Of course, the entire mantel and fireplace are covered in cobwebs and big black glittery spiders (from Walmart).  Next year, I swear, I will NOT use that spiderweb stuff-it is so annoying! 

I bought one of those glittery styrofoam skulls from Dollar Tree and repainted it solid white because I wanted it to  look a little more real and perched him on top of a candlestand. 

 I also just had to add a big, creepy, rat!   

I decided the banner I had in here wasn't gelling with the whole witch and spider theme I had going so I moved it to my dining room and replaced it with another free printable banner from Moselle that says Happy Haunting.  I tried to find one that said Hocus Pocus but I really like how creepy this one is. 

I probably should add another black crow but I don't want to move the one I have from his tree. 

The only thing missing now is a book of spells (which Through My Looking Glass has the best one I have seen-she just rocks!)  I think my total cost for this mantel (actually in my entire Halloween decor) is less than $5.  Everything else, I already had on hand or made from materials I had on hand.  Not too bad. 

P.S.  Pay no attention to the gaudy mirror above the fireplace-I rent a mobile home so there are some things I just have to live with (for now). 

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  1. Your mantel looks fabulous! Love it!


  2. Your fireplace looks great! I love how you pulled everything together. Loving the homemade witch's broom too. Thanks for linking up!

    - Megan

  3. Hi there! Following over from Under The Table And Dreaming; your project caught my eye because we made this same cauldron last year, but before the foam cured, we added plastic critters and eyeballs to it, and it's perfectly gruesome!

  4. Just wanted to let you know that I “ Featured” you on "Santa’s Gift Shoppe" Monday Blog Hop today for your great project & inspiration! Thanks so much..

  5. Fabulous cauldron. I need several of those, inside and outside of the house.

  6. Spooky! Loved that spider crawling on the skull.
