Sunday, October 10, 2010

Halloween Wooden Blocks

I have been seeing gorgeous wooden blocks all over blogland and wanted to put my own spin on things.  I really  got inspired when I saw these over at Coleen’s Corner.  So, I got my dad to cut some out for me and sand them down.  I painted them all black and white.  I have recently discovered a program called Digital Scrapbook Artist by Serif.  It was available for a free download from Amazon about a month ago.  I love FREE!  I think there is a newer version on sale right now for about $25  (reg price is $50).  I love this program!!  There are so many cool things you can do with it and it is so easy to use.  Anyway, I found lots of spooky images online, many from The Graphics Fairy.  I also found lots of cool fonts from Scrapvillage.  So, I created my images and printed them out and let them dry.  I sprayed Mod Podge Gloss Acrylic Sealer on them and let that dry.  Then I mod podged my images to my blocks, only I didn’t use actual mod podge for these-I simply mixed equal parts elmer’s glue (regular old school glue that cost about 20 cents at back to school time) and water.  I think it works pretty good and it’s so cheap!  After it dried, I sprayed one more coat of the sealer.  I’m not completely pleased with the way they turned out-I was a little messy with my painting and didn’t get all of my images sized exactly the way I wanted them to cover the full face of the block.  Oh, well! I also made some smaller, unpainted blocks and they turned out great.   

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!
Polish The Stars
Check me out Saturdays


Show and Tell Green

The Graphics Fairy
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  1. You're blocks look fantastic! I think my favorite is the one with the crow on it. It's so vintage cool. I might have to copy this idea!

  2. I really like your blocks, and they would be great in my house of four kids because they aren't breakable! Thanks for sharing! I am visiting from the ISVC link party. :)

  3. love what you've done! Adding this to my "wood blocks" inspiration folder :)


  4. I think they're great! Love all the colors and the font you chose is so cool - thanks for the link to Scrapvillage, I'll definitely be checking it out. So glad you were inspired by my blocks and BIG hugs for the link! You did a great job!

  5. I love the font choice. It's clean, but gives that spooky feel. I just hopped over from These Creative Juices. Have a great day!

  6. Those are so cute! Thanks for joining my Halloween Link Party!

    - Megan

  7. The wooden blocks look great, an amazing project.

  8. Super cute!!! This looks like a fun project to make! Thanks for linking this up to Brag Monday.

  9. Cute Halloween blocks..Would love for you to share at my "Creative Halloween Party"
