Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dry Erase Board / Project Reminder

I know you have seen these all over the place-everybody's got one!   Just a simple picture frame that you write on the glass with your dry erase markers.  Well, here's my version. 

I had a large picture of a cat snoozing on a dresser which I've had since at least the 90s.  I was so tired of it but didn't have a new piece of art to replace it with and didn't want to toss the frame-it's huge!  So, I removed the picture and the matte and stapled some burlap to the board and hung it up.  I am using it like a bulletin board over my desk.  I use it to remind me of the things I need to get done and other little ideas I have that I know I can't get done right now but don't want to forget about.  I call these "Want to Do" and "Need to Do".  I just stick post its with the projects on there and I take them down as I get them done.  This system works pretty well for me.  Before, I was always forgetting all of my ideas or things I would see online that I wanted to try.  I also occasionally tape up my daughter's artwork or whatever I want to look at. 

Everyone has an old picture frame that they are not using -so get it out and put it to use.  If not, check your thrift store or dollar store.   You could add whatever paper or fabric you like for the background-just make sure you can easily read what you write.

I also have a small one that I use to write what we are having for dinner on because I get so tired of hearing "What's for dinner?".  It is just a plain black frame from the dollar store.  The kids check it everyday when they get home from school.  If I have forgotten, they ask if they can write it.  They love it & so do I. 

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