Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Hookup #4

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I ate so much I was miserable but it was all good!  I have been so busy with family the last few days, I haven't had much time for crafting but now I'm ready to get back to it!  I'm so excited about Christmas and can't wait to see what you have to share this week. 

In case you missed it last week due to Thanksgiving, here are some of the highlights of last week's link party...

Blooming Homestead made this lovely Ballard-inpired pearl beaded tree.  Isn't that so pretty?

Wiccan Make Some Too  shared this unbelievable gingerbread log cabin-it even has a picket fence and a well!  Pure awesomeness!

House Revivals gave a tutorial for these precious shabby chic sailboat ornaments from eggcartons- I am in love with these!

If you were featured go grab a button because you are certifiably "Krafty"!!

Thanks to everyone who linked up last week- everything totally rocked & I hope you'll be back this week!
Now, let's party!!! 
Share all of your Holiday awesomeness here!  Crafts, decorating, recipes, gift ideas-anything goes as long as it's holiday related!  This link party will be open until Friday at 11:59 PM.

Be sure to link back here and help spread the word!

Krafty Kat

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Started Christmas Decorating

This has been such a busy few days!  Thursday was Thanksgiving and my son's birthday all rolled into one.  Saturday was my birthday and yesterday we got our Christmas tree!  Lots of celebrating but not a lot of time for crafting (although I did do a little- will have to show you later)!  To top it all off, I have been trying to fight off a cold all the while!  

I went to Hobby Lobby (remember I said I had NEVER been)Man, I wanted to buy nearly everything in there!  I didn't get to look at everything because I spent most of my time in the Christmas section.  I picked up a gorgeous Santa to put by my fireplace.  Isn't he perfect?

Anyway, we got our Christmas tree ( an 8 1/2 foot tall Leyland Cypress) and last night, the kids and I decorated it while watching Elf.  We have lots of ornaments-especially ones they have made!  We used white and color lights and lots of brightly colored and glittery ornaments because the kids love all of the colors.  

When the kids get older, I will do a tree with just white and gold or white and silver ornaments and white lights because I think they are so pretty but this tree is not all about me!  After the kids went to bed, I put out our little Christmas village (we don't have nearly as may pieces as we used to)  and decorated the mantel and put out lots of other little Christmasy things. 

I still have lots more to do- hang the stockings, put up the nativity, decorate the front porch, some things in the kitchen (clean this messy house).  But, right now, I'm loving sitting back, sipping some hot coffee and admiring the tree. 

Linking up with :I ♥ NaptimeMaking the World Cuter, The Girl Creative, Craftomaniac, Dittle Dattle , Between Naps on The Porch, The Lettered Cottage, Southern Hospitality, House of Hepworths
Hope you come back tomorrow for Holiday Hookup and show off what you've been doing for the holidays!

Krafty Kat
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Little Christmas Decorating Inspiration

Today I will be out shopping with all of the rest of the world.  Not really to get all of the spectacular Black Friday deals but yesterday was my son's birthday and he got a bunch of cash that is burning a hole in his pocket fast!  So, I've got to take him out to spend it and hopefully will get the chance to go to Hobby Lobby for myself.  Believe it or not, I have NEVER been to Hobby Lobby.  I know, I know-very shocking!  I have heard from everybody and their grandma how awesome Hobby Lobby is but don't have one nearby so have just missed out.  I found out there is one about 25 min. away though and I've printed out my 40 % off coupon so I'm going to find out what it's all about. I'll be going with Christmas decorating in mind so I thought it would be fitting since I won't be here to leave you with some inspiration for your Christmas decorating. 

Gorgeous pinecone flowers make a beautiful centerpiece.

Winter Wonderland...sigh

Love these glass ornaments hung with a simple red ribbon to dress up the chandelier.

This is so much more interesting than a wreath, don'tcha think?  Love the little pom-pom- so sweet.

Pretty red transferware in a green hutch.  Notice the little evergreen trees in the teacups- sooo cute!

Another pinecone decoration- wouldn't this be awesome covered in GLITTER???

I love this vintage Santa collection display!  Check out the wreath-overloaded with ornaments!

A grouping of stars really shines!  These are all nestled into a white sleigh. 

Wrap your vases and glass candleholders in sweaters!  Makes them feel all warm and snuggly!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!  Love this red and white tablescape too!

How simple and pretty- just a ribbon and a placecard!

Add ribbon to your throw pillows and they become a gift for your tushie!

Pretty bowl full of oversized jingle bells!

I just want to warm up next to this fire and dream of sugarplums!

If you're going shopping today, be safe and have fun! 
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Indian Teepee

Just in time for Thanksgiving, make your own teepee for all the little wild indians to play in!  This will surely be a big hit!  We actually made this for a school project but I thought it would be great to pull back out and keep the kids out of my hair occupied since they're out of school while I get some baking done.  They could have a great time playing pilgrims and indians! I did this a while back before I was blogging (wish I would've taken pictures while we made it) but hopefully the instructions will be clear enough for you to follow.  Remember, it need not be perfect- this is for fun!

Materials Needed:

5 sticks approximately 6 - 8 feet long (you could also substitute broomsticks or PVC pipe)
9 x 12 canvas drop cloth or tarp (you could also use a large solid color sheet)
leather cording (rope, twine, shoestrings, again- use what you have)
measuring tape

Step 1:
Make sure your sticks have no sharp, pointy edges- you want this to be fun- not dangerous!
Tie the leather cording onto the top of the first stick, then onto the next, and so forth until they are all tied and connected to each other.  You should then be able to stand them up like a tripod and spread them out to create the teepee frame. 

Step 2:
Fold the drop cloth in half so that it forms a 9 x 6 foot rectangle. 

Step 3:
Measure in 1 foot along the fold and mark the spot.  Cut a 6 foot length of rope or string.  Have another person (your child can help with this step) hold the rope at the spot that you marked.    Tie the opposite end of the string to a marker.

Step 4:
Step away from the other person until the line is taut and move the rope in an arc, marking a line on the canvas as you go.

Step 5:
Cut along the line.  Also cut a smaller arc out at the top.  This is the pattern I used for cutting out the teepee.  I found this on the Family Fun website. 

Step 6:
Drape the cloth over the frame, overlapping the top a bit.  Snip holes on each side at the top front.  I think I did about 8 but it just depends on how far up you want your teepee to open up.  Lace up the holes with the leather cord and tie it.   After draping your cloth on the frame, if you find it is too long at the bottom as I did, just trim away any excess until it is the right size for the sticks you are using.  Also, snip a few holes around the circumference of the top and lace the cord through it.  This can be used to tighten or loosen the cloth.

Step 7:
Paint your teepee.  I had my son do most of this.  We looked up Indian symbols and he painted them on.  He really enjoyed this part.

Step 8:
After the paint has dried, enjoy your teepee.  It can easily be taken down and reassembled. 

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday Hookup #3

In case you missed it, last week's Holiday Hookup was loaded with great decorating, crafts, and ideas!  Thanks so much to everyone who participated- you are all so clever!  Here are just a few of the highlights:

Life in Rehab showed us all how to make this amazing Snow Globe Cake Stand!  She even has a version for Thanksgiving as well- go check it out!


Scrapalicious Bytes gave us a fabulous tutorial on making faux Mercury Glass Star Ornaments-don't you just love these?


Craftberry Bush made this beautiful white Noel stocking hanger for her cute little numbered stockings:

There were so many other wonderful ideas so be sure to check them all out!  If you were featured, be sure to grab a featured button from the buttons tab.

Now it's time for Holiday Hookup #3.  I can't wait to see what you've been working on this week! 

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Please grab a party button and link back here to help spread the word.  I just know you've got something amazing in store for us!
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